TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Oral SPECIES OBSERVED : Bird - chicken DOSE/DURATION : >1 gm/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Behavioral - somnolence (general depressed activity) REFERENCE : BWHOA6 Bulletin of the World Health Organization. (WHO, Pub. Center USA, 49 Sheridan Ave., Albany, NY 12210) Volume(issue)/page/year: 37,73,1967
TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Oral SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - mouse DOSE/DURATION : 4809 mg/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Behavioral - somnolence (general depressed activity) REFERENCE : BWHOA6 Bulletin of the World Health Organization. (WHO, Pub. Center USA, 49 Sheridan Ave., Albany, NY 12210) Volume(issue)/page/year: 37,73,1967
TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Oral SPECIES OBSERVED : Mammal - domestic DOSE/DURATION : >500 mg/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Behavioral - somnolence (general depressed activity) REFERENCE : BWHOA6 Bulletin of the World Health Organization. (WHO, Pub. Center USA, 49 Sheridan Ave., Albany, NY 12210) Volume(issue)/page/year: 37,73,1967
TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Administration onto the skin SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - rat DOSE/DURATION : >1 gm/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value REFERENCE : 85JFAN "Agrochemicals Handbook," with updates, Hartley, D., and H. Kidd, eds., Nottingham, Royal Soc. of Chemistry, 1983-86 Volume(issue)/page/year: A411,1983
TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Oral SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - rat DOSE/DURATION : 83 mg/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Details of toxic effects