Short: III/15b
Title: Metals: Electronic Transport Phenomena: Electrical Resistivity, Thermoelectrical Power and Optical Properties
Author: Bass, J.; Dugdale, J.S.; Foiles, C.L.; Myers, A.
Editor: Hellwege, K.-H.; Olsen, J.L.
Source: Landolt-Börnstein, New Series
Volume: III/15b
Year: 1985
ISBN: 3-540-11694-X
ISBN: 978-3-540-11694-3
Internet Resource: DOI:10.1007/b19992
RefComment: 624 figs., IX, 490 pages. Hardcover
Abstract: The first two subvolumes of volume III/15 contain data on electrical transport in metals. Both experimental and theoretical results published up to 1981 have been included. In the third subvolume data on thermal - predominantly electronic - transport of pure metals and alloys are presented, the literature up to 1989 has been taken into account.
Title: EINECS (European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances)
Source: Official Journal of the European Communities
Volume: C 146 A (15.06.1990)
Page: 1
Year: 1990
Internet Resource:
Publish_Date: 1990/06/15