Ammonium aluminum sulfate dodecahydrate 硫酸铝铵十二水合物

CAS 7784-26-1 MFCD00051042


SMILES: O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O=S(=O)([O-])[O-].O=S(=O)([O-])[O-].[Al+3].[NH4+]


Mol. FormulaAlNH4(SO4)2.12H2O
Mol. Weight453.33
Melting Point93.5 °C
SolubilitySoluble in water, glycerol. Insoluble in alcohol
Appearance 无色透明立方结晶或白色颗粒粉末。无臭、味涩。 微溶于水,20℃时溶解度15g/100ml水,易溶于热水,水溶液呈酸性。溶于稀酸、甘油,不溶于醇。
Boiling Point200 °C at 760 mmHg


Chemical NameAmmonium aluminum sulfate dodecahydrate
Synonym Ammonium aluminum sulfate dodecahydrate {LY} Ammonium aluminum sulfate dodecahydrate {} {LY} Ammonium aluminum sulfate dodecahydrate {} {} {LY} Ammonium aluminum sulfate dodecahydrate {} {} {} {LY} Ammonium aluminum sulfate dodecahydrate {} {} {} {} {LY} Aluminum ammonium sulfate dodecahydrate {} {} {} {} {} {LY} Aluminum ammonium sulfate dodecahydrate {} {} {} {} {} {} {LY} Aluminum ammonium sulfate dodecahydrate {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {LY} Aluminum ammonium sulfate dodecahydrate {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {LY} Aluminum ammonium sulfate dodecahydrate {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {LY} Aluminum ammonium sulfate dodecahydrate {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {LY} Aluminum ammonium sulfate dodecahydrate {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {LY} Aluminum ammonium sulfate dodecahydrate {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} { {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {LY} Aluminum ammonium sulfate dodecahydrate {} {} {} {} {} {
MDL NumberMFCD00149958
EC Number232-055-3
CAS Number7784-26-1
Merck Number14,327
Chemical Name Translation硫酸铝铵十二水合物
PubChem Substance ID62668
Canonical SMILES[Al].O=S(=O)(O)O.O.N
信息真实价格透明    资金保障    专业采购外包团队在线服务   
信息真实价格透明    资金保障    专业采购外包团队在线服务   
品牌质保精细包装    现货库存    一流品牌服务   


  • {uni_hamburg} no charge; 4fragments; ionic


  • Short: IV/1b Title: Densities of Liquid Systems: Densities of Binary Aqueous Systems and Heat Capacities of Liquid Systems Author: D'Ans, J.; Surawski, H.; Synowietz, C. Editor: Schäfer, Kl. Source: Landolt-Börnstein, New Series Volume: IV/1b Year: 1977 ISBN: 3-540-08272-7 ISBN: 978-3-540-08272-9 Internet Resource: DOI:10.1007/b20004 RefComment: 62 figs., VII, 335 pages. Hardcover Abstract: Volume IV/1 contains information on the densities of liquid systems. It may be considered as a supplement to volume II/1 of the 6th Edition, which contains only a few data on nonaqueous systems. Data are not listed for all systems but primarily for those of greater interest where data for a larger range of concentrations were available.
  • Short: EINECS Title: EINECS (European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances) Source: Official Journal of the European Communities Volume: C 146 A (15.06.1990) Page: 1 Year: 1990 Internet Resource: Publish_Date: 1990/06/15


Safety Statements
  • S26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice 眼睛接触后,立即用大量水冲洗并征求医生意见;
  • S37 Wear suitable gloves 戴适当手套;
Risk Statements
  • R36/37/38 Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin 对眼睛、呼吸系统和皮肤有刺激性
Storage condition Store at room temperature, keep dry and cool {LY} Store at room temperature, keep dry and cool {} {LY} Store at room temperature, keep dry and cool {} {} {LY} Store at room temperature, keep dry and cool {} {} {} {LY} Store at room temperature, keep dry and cool {} {} {} {} {LY} Store at room temperature, keep dry and cool {} {} {} {} {} {LY} Store at room temperature, keep dry and cool {} {} {} {} {} {} {LY} Store at room temperature, keep dry and cool {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {LY} Store at room temperature, keep dry and cool {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {LY} Store at room temperature, keep dry and cool {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {LY} Store at room temperature, keep dry and cool {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {LY} Store at room temperature, keep dry and cool {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {LY} Store at room temperature, keep dry and cool {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {LY} Store at room temperature, keep dry and cool {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {LY} Store


  • 毒性:ADl暂定每周允许摄人量0~7mg/kg,包括所有铝盐添加剂,以铝计;(FAO/WHO,2001)。 LD50 5~10g/kg(猫,经口)。 GRAS(FDA,§182.1127,2000)。
  • 用途三:作净水剂和膨松剂,可代替钾明矾。我国规定可用于油炸食品、虾片、豆制品、发酵粉、威夫饼干、膨化食品和水产品,按生产需要适量使用,铝的残留量≤l00mg/kg。
  • 含量分析:准确称取预经200℃干燥4h后的试样粉末约0.8g,加于100ml水中,在水浴中边振摇边加热溶解。过滤,滤渣用水充分洗涤,合并滤液和洗液,并定容至200ml。取该液.25ml,加0.01mol/L的EDTA二钠液50ml,加热至沸。冷却后加醋酸钠试液(TS-213)7ml、无水乙醇85ml和双硫腙试液(TS-94)3滴,用0.01mol/L醋酸锌溶液滴定至红色终点。每mL 0.01mol/L的EDTA二钠液相当于无水硫酸铵铝2.371mg。
  • 方法一:间接法 用硫酸分解铝土矿。
  • 参考质量标准一:HB 2917—1999 硫酸铝铵[以NH4Al(SO4)2·12H2O计] 含量(以干基计)/% 99.3~100.5 水分含量/% ≤4.0 水不溶物含量/% ≤0.20 砷(As)含量/% ≤0.0002 重金属(以Ph计)含量/% ≤0.002 铅(Pb)含量/% ≤0.0010 氟化物(F)含量/% ≤0.003 硒含量 ≤0.003
  • 所属类别一:食品添加剂: 小麦粉、淀粉改质剂: 膨松剂(疏松剂)
  • 方法四:将铵明矾粉末放在铝板上,在炉中加热至200℃以除去结晶水而成。
  • 上游原料:硫酸 --> 氢氧化铝 --> 硫酸铵 --> 硫酸铝 --> 铝 --> 三氧化二钴 --> 骨胶 --> 铝土矿,矾土,铝矾土,铁矾土 --> 硫酸铝铵.十二水合物 --> 反应槽 --> 工业硫酸铝
  • 方法三:直接合成法 将工业硫酸铵和硫酸铝溶解于100℃的水中,经过滤、冷却、结晶、分离、干燥即得产品。 合成法 铝土矿经粉碎后与硫酸反应,用骨胶作沉降剂得澄清的硫酸铝溶液,相对密度1.230~1.306(19℃/4℃),含硫酸铝20%~26%。在100℃下,按比例加入硫酸铵,全部溶解后冷却结晶,再分离、干燥得成品。 Al2O3+3H2SO4→Al(SO4)3[(NH4)2SO4,HO2] →NH4Al(SO4)2·12H2O 氢氧化铝法 氢氧化铝与硫酸反应后,静置澄清;再将硫酸铵加入清液,经浓缩、冷却析出结晶,最后分离、干燥得成品。 2Al(OH)3+3H2SO4→Al2(SO
  • 用途二:缓冲剂;中和剂;膨松剂;水质净化剂;腌菜及煮、炖食品的护色剂。 参考用量:腌茄子0.01%~0.1%(以Al计),铵明矾中的铝和铁盐遇茄子的蓝色色素形成络盐而不褪色。 亦用于煮熟的红章鱼护色。甘薯泥加栗子的甜食、牛蒡丝加酱油加糖等用油炒的食品,在煮熬前在牛蒡丝或栗子中加入0.01%铵矾。系利用铵矾的收敛作用,改善咀嚼感。面包、糕饼类的膨松剂原料(酸性剂),添加量为小麦粉的0.15%~0.5%。
  • {Chemica
  • 方法二:在硫酸铝浓溶液中加硫酸铵溶液,加热溶解,过滤、浓缩、冷却晶析后分离而得。
  • 用途一:用作净水凝聚剂、印染媒染剂、制革铝鞣剂、纸张上浆剂、黄色玻璃着色剂、医药收敛剂及食品膨松剂等
  • 使用限量:GB 2760-1996
  • 下游产品:酸性氧化铝 --> 硫酸铝铵.十二水合物
  • 方法一:间接法 用硫酸分解铝土矿。 氢氧化铝法 将氢氧化铝与硫酸反应加入硫酸铵,经浓缩,冷却结晶,离心脱水,干燥而得。 直接合成法 由工业
  • 常规方法:用内衬塑料袋,外套塑料编织袋或麻袋包装。每袋净重50kg或100kg。食品级包装除内衬食品用聚乙烯塑料袋外,其他相同。包装上注明“食品添加剂”字样。 贮存于通风、干燥的库房中,宜专库专贮。因易腐蚀包装所以不宜久贮。潮包应分开堆垛,随时处理,防止淌水流失。食用级品不得与有毒物品或其他污染物品共贮混运。运输过程中要防雨淋和日光曝晒。 失火时,可用水、砂土和各种灭火器扑救。
  • MOL 文件:7784-25-0.mol
  • {Chemicalboo

