4-N-Hexylbiphenyl 4-正己基联苯

CAS 59662-31-6 MFCD00009527




Mol. FormulaC18H22
Mol. Weight238.37
Flash Point>110°(230°F)
Boiling Point148-150°/2mm
Melting Point29-31°


Chemical Name4-N-Hexylbiphenyl
Synonym 4-hexyl-1,1'-biphenyl 4-hexylbiphenyl 1,1'-biphenyl, 4-hexyl- 4-Hexyl-biphenyl
MDL NumberMFCD00009527
EC Number261-845-0
CAS Number59662-31-6
Chemical Name Translation4-正己基联苯
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信息真实价格透明    资金保障    专业采购外包团队在线服务   
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  • {uni_hamburg} no charge; carbocycle; aromatic; 6RingOnly; 6ring; 1fragment


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  • Short: LC Title: LiqCryst 4.6 - Database of Liquid Crystals Author: Vill, V. Year: 2005 Keyword: Flüssigkristalle; LCD; Phasenumwandlung Internet Resource: http://liqcryst.chemie.uni-hamburg.de/
  • Short: EINECS Title: EINECS (European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances) Source: Official Journal of the European Communities Volume: C 146 A (15.06.1990) Page: 1 Year: 1990 Internet Resource: http://ecb.jrc.ec.europa.eu/esis/index.php?PGM=ein Publish_Date: 1990/06/15

